2016년 10월 5일 수요일

VFSS Excel Template. Simplified Checklist

The Videoflurographic swallow study (VFSS) is the standard evaluation tool in dyphagia diagnosis and management. The procedure is performed and interpreted by a speech language pathologist and physician, jointly.

During the VFSS, the patient swallows radiopaque foods. Oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing physiology are observed. (Esophageal stage can hardly evaluated due to field of radiologic view.)

The purpose of VFSS is
 1. To identify anatomical or functional abnormalities as swallowing
 2. To identify the degree of safe and efficient swallowing

It is not just a 'pass or fail' examination. The examiner should find the proper food consistencies and compensatory swallowing method for patient. (even when a patient aspirates)

The VFSS protocol should include simple evaluation about speech, and swallowing stage with liquid, semi-solid(nectar), and solid food.

After performing VFSS, an examiner should write a report about the result of VFSS. The report should include as following;

Oral phase (drooling, bolus formation, residue in the oral cavity, oral transit time)
Pharyngeal phase (swallowing reflex, velopharyngeal function, laryngeal elevation, etc)
If you write a report with Excel, you can reduce time to write it.

VFSS Excel Template

VFSS is the best instrumental assessment tool, because it allows for observation of the oral, and pharyngeal phases of swallowing. After procedure, physician should interpretate about the procedure, and the interpretation should be recorded.

I'll attach the template i use. It is the format for my convenience, so other people can alter the template for their convenience, I think.

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